Epistrophy La revue de jazz | The jazz journal
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Credits, citations, reproduction…


Epistrophy est éditée par l’association Jazz Et Musiques Improvisées.
N°ISSN : 2431-1235

Directeur de la publication : Matthieu Jouan
Hébergement : Octopuce
Intégration et design : Epistrophy
Propulsé par SPIP

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Toute reproduction totale ou partielle des textes et illustrations doit être soumise à autorisation écrite à epistrophy@epistrophy.fr

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La citation des articles doit se faire selon les normes exposées en pied d’article.

Epistrophy is edited by JEMI Association.
No. ISSN:2431-1235

Editor in chief : Matthieu Jouan
Hosting : Octopuce
Integration and design : Epistrophy
Powered by SPIP

Any reproduction of the journal for purposes other than strictly personal, including any reproduction for an electronic publication, paper, intended for third parties, is subject to written authorization to epistrophy@epistrophy.fr.
Total or partial reproduction of text and illustrations must be submitted for written approval to epistrophy@epistrophy.fr

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Epistrophy is or will need to collect, with your consent, information about you. This information will be used to inform you of any news on the site. Information which concerns you is intended for Epistrophy only.
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Hypertext links and quotes are allowed, to the home page and summary of each issue, provided that the link will open in a new window and that the original URL for the page to appear in the new window.
The quote articles shall follow the standards outlined in the article’s footer.

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